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Offisky Document: List of Conference Room
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Document # 281
Category: Communication System Administration
Type: User Manual Document
Last Update: Wed Jun13, 2018 10:11:36PM GMT(0)

Conference Room (a.k.a. Conference Bridge) in Offisky allows you create a virtual conference and invite multiple people to join and communicate at the same time. There are different mode of conference available based on the nature of your conference (will describe more in the settings page). The conference are password protected to avoid un-authorized or un-intentional access into each conference room.

Panel Location:
User Menu >Under Settings, select (Phone System). In the top navigation menu bar, select Features > Conference Room

Screen Operations:

  • Use [] icon to reload the result list.

  • To create a new Conference Room, click on the [] icon.

  • To perform individual conference room settings, click on the [] icon.

  • To remove a Conference Room, use [] icon.

  • To sort the result list, use the provide feature at the bottom of the screen.

  • The page switch is located at the bottom of the result list.

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Member's Comment:

William Wong
@Babysoft Corporation
Ticket Creator
Posted: Wed Jun13, 2018 10:02:47PM GMT(0)
Discussion: List of Conference Room
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