You may manage all your On-Hold Playlist in this screen. On-Hold Playlist is an audio file playlist which will be play to your caller when being hold by your Offisky phone system. Since the customer has nothing to do while they are on hold, it will also be the great moment to tell your customers new products, promotions, or upcoming event which may be interested to your customers.
Panel Location:
User Menu >Under Settings, select (Phone System). In the top navigation menu bar, select PBX Base > On-hold Playlist Management
Screen Operations:
Use [] icon to reload the result list.
To create a new on-hold playlist, click on the [] icon.
To select the playlist you wish to update, click on the [] icon.
To remove a playlist, use [] icon.
To sort the result list, use the provide feature at the bottom of the screen.
The page switch is located at the bottom of the result list.