Offisky P.A. System allows you to broadcast a message to multiple devices. When using the P.A. System, it will start by receiving your announcement message, and forward your message individually to every devices in the destination call group. Unlike using real time multiple intercom where all device is connected and talk at the same time, this method will broadcast (playback) your message individually into each device after the call is picked up (either manually pickup or automatically pickup by your Phone speaker).
Panel Location:
User Menu >Under Settings, select (Phone System). In the top navigation menu bar, select Features > P.A. System
Screen Operations:
Use [] icon to reload the result list.
To create a new P.A. System, click on the [] icon.
To perform individual P.A. System settings, click on the [] icon.
To remove a P.A. System, use [] icon.
To sort the result list, use the provide feature at the bottom of the screen.
The page switch is located at the bottom of the result list.