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Offisky Document: Offisky Operation Panel
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Document # 261
Category: Panel Operation
Type: User Manual Document
Last Update: Mon Apr10, 2017 03:22:33PM GMT(0)

Offisky panel is a cloud based multi-user online platform designed to help with daily operations and communications for small to medium size businesses. User accounts with the same company access can be able to access into the same company account to perform their daily operation work. Managers / Supervisors can also perform their management task using the integrated features which comes with the panel. For individual panel features, please refer to related documents.

Offisky Basic Operations (Video):

Offisky Basic Phone Panel Operations (Video):

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Member's Comment:

William Wong
@Babysoft Corporation
Ticket Creator
Posted: Fri Feb24, 2017 08:05:43PM GMT(0)
Discussion: Offisky Operation Panel
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