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Offisky Document: Make calls using binded phone number (ie. cell phone)
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Document # 293
Category: Communication System Operation
Type: User Manual Document
Last Update: Mon Jun08, 2020 10:35:19PM GMT(0)


In some situations, you may want to make calls using your cell phone, but only showing your company call display name and number at the receiving party. This document describe how you can do it using the Offisky User Account.


  1. A valid Offisky User Account for each individual user.

  2. The Offisky User account is currently bind to the caller cell / personal phone number. How to bind a personal / cell phone number


  1. Login to the Offisky User Account

  2. In the home screen, click / tab the Offisky "Phone & Communication Panel"

  3. For Desktop Version: Enter the phone number you wish to dial at the dial bar, press the "More Options" button
    , then select [Dial to XXX with our binded personal phone].

  4. For Mobile Version: Select the "Phone" tab at the top of the screen, then press the left "Dial"

  5. Now wait for the phone system, it will start by calling your binded personal phone (ie. your cell phone), pick up the call.

  6. Once you pickup, the system will connect you to the destination number.

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Member's Comment:

William Wong
@Babysoft Corporation
Ticket Creator
Posted: Mon Jun08, 2020 09:34:47PM GMT(0)
Discussion: Make calls using binded phone number (ie. cell phone)
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