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Offisky Document: Sign In/Out Call Queue (Auto Distribution)
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Document # 257
Category: Communication System Operation
Type: User Manual Document
Last Update: Sun Apr23, 2017 07:19:21PM GMT(0)

Sign In/Out a Call Queue as an Auto Distribution Operator. One operator can only sign-in to one call queue for Auto Distribution. If you sign into multiple queue for auto distribution, only the last queue you sign in will deliver calls to you.


  • If your extension continuously reject the auto distributed call which exceed the system maximum retry, Offisky will automatically turn on your account Do Not Disturb (DND) to avoid unreasonable call attempt. In such case, you may need to manually turn off your account Do Not Disturb (DND) to continue receive auto distribute queued calls. This is especially common if you use your phone DND to temporary reject calls to get to your extension. It is strongly recommended to use Offisky build-in features (ie. DND) instead of your phone features to avoid system conflict.

Perform by device (phone) DTMF hotkey:

To sign in to a call queue (Auto Call Distribution):

  1. Dial to: *82 + Queue Access Code and wait for the voice prompt to confirm (See Queue Settings for Queue Access Code).

To sign out call queue (Auto Call Distribution):

  1. Dial to: *82 and wait for the voice prompt to confirm the action.

Perform by Offisky Phone Panel (Application Menu > [ Phone Panel]):

To sign in to a call queue (Auto Call Distribution):

  1. Under your Phone Panel, click on [ Call Queue].

  2. Select the queue you wish to sign in for Auto Call Distribution.

  3. Select [ Auto Distribute].

To sign out call queue (Auto Call Distribution):

  1. Under your Phone Panel, click on [ A.D. Queue].

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Member's Comment:

William Wong
@Babysoft Corporation
Ticket Creator
Posted: Wed Feb22, 2017 06:49:17PM GMT(0)
Discussion: Sign In/Out Call Queue (Auto Distribution)
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