Description:You can manage all your call queue(s) in your account using this screen.
Offisky phone system call queue is used to allow callers to wait in the queue until (i) an available queue operator pickup the call, or (ii) the queue operation hours ended, then process the queue ending sequence. During the queuing process, callers will continue hearing the queued call "On-Hold Playlist", and may choose to leave call back number to request a call back. Queued users may also request a queue tracking number to monitor their queued call line up order. For more information about a Call Queue settings, please refer to "
Call Queue Settings" document for details.
For Offisky phone system basic concept and introduction, please refer to
Concept Document for details.
Panel Location: User Menu >Under Settings, select

(Operation). In the top navigation menu bar, select Features > Call Queue
Screen Operations:
- Use [
] icon to reload the result list.
- To create a new call queue, click on the [
] icon.
- To remove a call queue, use [
] icon.
- To select a call queue you wish to update, click on the [
] icon.
- To sort the result list, use the provide feature at the bottom of the screen.
- The page switch is located at the bottom of the result list.
Offisky Call Queue Overview:Call queue is a feature used by call centers environment to temporary line up (hold) calls into a predefined sequence, and allows queue operators to pickup the call one by one. During the line up period, callers will be listening to the On-Hold playlist provided by your settings, and optionally select a method what they can do in the queue session. Queue operators can be able to access into the queued call manually or by "Auto Distribute" the call to the available operators. Queue Representative may also select which call they wish to pickup instead of using the predefined operating mode.
To manually pickup a queued call:
- Enter the Phone Panel by using the [
] icon.
- Under the Call Panel, select the Queue Option [
- If you are a member of multiple queue, select which queue you wish to enter. If you are only a member of a single queue, ignore this step.
- Click on [
Pickup] icon to pickup the call based on the "Queue Operation Mode".
- If you are the queue representative, click on [
Show individual waiting call(s)] to view and select which call you wish to pickup.
To sign into "Auto Distribution" and let calls automatically deliver to your phone:
- Enter the Phone Panel by using the [
] icon.
- Under the Call Panel, select the Call Queue Option [
- If you are a member of multiple queue, select which queue you wish to enter. If you are only a member of a single queue, ignore this step.
- Click on the [
Auto Distribute] option.
To sign out from "Auto Distribution":
- Enter the Phone Panel by using the [
] icon.
- Under the Call Panel, click on the [
A.D. Queue] icon to sign out from the "Auto Distribution".