| | | Document # 159 Category: Communication System Administration Type: User Manual Document |
| Last Update: Fri Mar17, 2017 04:20:07AM GMT(0) | Description:You may update a Block List settings and its numbers / pattern in this screen. Panel Location: User Menu >Under Settings, select  (Phone System). In the top navigation menu bar, select Features > Block List Management > Select the Block List [  ] you wish to update Screen Operations:
- Name: The display name of this Block List
- Execution Type: The Block List execution mode
- Account Auto Blocking Whoever Caller ID fall into this list / pattern will automatically block by the phone system. Under this mode, the Block list will be automatically use as a in your account and you do not have to manually use it in any IVR to perform blocking.
- Menu Mapping The block list will not automatically use within your account, instead, it can be use as the number matching conditions within your IVR. If you need to use it, you have to manually add it into the IVR and provide the further action when Caller ID matches / not matches. One common usage is to use it to separate area for execution. For example, if you wish to create an IVR only allow to access within certain area, you can create a Block List to match only the area code of that area, and bridge all calls away if not from that area to the general IVR.
- To add a number Rule, click on the [
] icon located at the top of the rule list.
- To remove a number Rule, click on the [
] icon located at the right hand side of each rule.
- To remove the complete Block List, click on the [
] icon.
- To update the rule:
- Number Rule is the number or pattern you wish to update
- All Caller IDs in Offisky follows the E.164 format. Therefore all number rules must contains the Country Code prefix to match correctly (ie. North America: 1, China: 86, Hong Kong, 852, etc).
- Wild card character (*) can be use in this number rule to define zero or more numbers. For example: 1416* will include caller ID starting with 1416, or 14161234567
- Number mapping rules only matches Caller ID Number, Caller ID Name will not be check.
- Remark Provide a general description for this rule.
- Once finish, click on "Save" button to save your settings, or click on "OK" button to save and return to the previous screen.
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| | | | Member's Comment: | William Wong @Babysoft Corporation Ticket Creator Posted: Tue Dec01, 2015 12:00:00AM GMT(0) |  | | | Discussion: Block List Settings |
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