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Offisky Document: Number / Extension Settings
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Document # 167
Category: Communication System Administration
Type: User Manual Document
Last Update: Fri Apr20, 2018 06:08:34PM GMT(0)

Use the [Number Settings] panel to update the configuration of your number. There are 2 types of number mode you can use (Number Mapping Mode and User Extension Mode), and you can mix-and-match to use it within your phone system.

For Offisky phone system basic concept and introduction, please refer to Concept Document for details.

Panel Location:
User Menu >Under Settings, select (Phone System). In the top navigation menu bar, select PBX Base > Number Management, then select the number you wish to update.

Number Mapping Mode

Use this mode if this number is designed to trigger the "Executing Element" for execution only. Please note, Phone Numbers can only use under "Number Mapping Mode".

Number Settings Section:

  • Name: The display name (Caller ID) of this number. If this number mapped as the external phone call Caller ID, then this will be the Caller ID Name of the external phone call.

  • Email: The email address for this number (occasional use by some feature).

  • Time Zone: Provide the local time zone which is designed to use this number.

  • On-Hold Play List: If someone called this number and got hold, this play list will be play to the caller.

  • Ring Type: The caller listening sound while ringing your phone (ie. Normal ringing sound or play on-hold playlist).

  • Ring (Seconds): The caller should ring (in seconds) before time out. Approximate 6 seconds per ring. 0 means use the system default timeout.

  • Caller ID Prefix: The prefix which will automatically added into the Caller ID of the calling party when dial this number. This is especially useful if multiple numbers can be route to the same recipient and the recipient needs to know where this call comes from. For example, if someone calling this number and the original inbound Caller ID of this call is 123456789, and you have set the Caller ID Prefix to WX:, then the caller ID of this call will now shows WX:123456789.

Execution Mappings Section:

  • Map number to method: Select "Executing Element" type you wish this number to map to.

  • Provide the details for this "Executing Element" type.

User Extension Mode

Use this mode if this number is designed to use as an user extension.

Extension Settings Section:

  • Registered to User: If you wish to allow a specific Offisky user account to use this extension, selected the user here. Please Note: User Access to this Offisky user account must already linked into your account in order to listed in here. For more information about User Account Linking, please refer to User Access document.

  • First Name: The first name of this user (will show within the internal calls Caller ID).

  • Last Name: The last name of this user (will show within the internal calls Caller ID).

  • Email: The email address for this user (use by certain features require email address, ie. Voicemail to email).

  • Time Zone: The user located time zone.

  • Off Duty Operation: When this user Off Duty, select one of the following operating mode when someone calling his/her extension

    • Forward calls to voicemail routine after user "Off Duty": All calls to this extension will be forwarded to the voicemail routine (if voicemail is set for this account), including busy / unavailable call forwarding. Under this mode, the standard calling procedure (ie. calling to extension device, call hunting, always call forwarding, etc) will be disabled until the user "on duty" again.

    • Process normal calling routine after user "Off Duty": Under this mode, all calls will be deliver normally just like normal working hours. No special action will be taken.

  • Registered Voicemail: If this user is connected to a voicemail account, select the voicemail here.

  • Registered Device: Select the "Device" account where this user will be use to send / receive calls.

  • Use Call Hunting: If this user is using a call hunting rule, select the rule here.

  • On-Hold Playlist: Select the playlist when this user is placing someone on hold.

  • Ring Type: The caller listening sound while ringing your phone (ie. Normal ringing sound or play on-hold playlist).

  • Ring (Seconds): The caller should ring (in seconds) before time out. Approximate 6 seconds per ring. 0 means use the system default timeout.

  • Caller ID Prefix: The prefix which will automatically added into the Caller ID of the calling party when dial this number. This is especially useful if multiple numbers can be route to the same recipient and the recipient needs to know where this call comes from. For example, if someone calling this number and the original inbound Caller ID of this call is 123456789, and you have set the Caller ID Prefix to WX:, then the caller ID of this call will now shows WX:123456789.

Panel Phone Settings Section:

Phone panel settings is use to configure calling behavior when making and receiving calls directly using your Offisky panel (a.k.a. On-Panel Phone). It is not the same as setting your desk phone calling behavior (ie. IP Phones or Soft Phones). To setup phone device behavior, please refer to [Phone Device Settings].

  • Country Code: The country code prefix when making external phone call (ie. North America: 1, China: 86, Hong Kong: 852, etc.). By providing this number, you may eliminate the need of dial the country prefix each time when you make an external call. Example: to dial to 19051234567, by providing 1 (North America) here, you only need to dial 9051234567 to finish your call. Please Note: International Code (a.k.a. Exit Code. Such as: 011, 001, etc) is not Country Code. Please provide a valid Country Code for this field.

  • Call Display (Public): The caller ID when making external / phone calls.

  • Outbound Control: If you wish to limit the outbound calling for this extension, select it here.

    • Allow normal outbound call: Allow any type of outbound call.

    • Billing Access-Code Required: Required to enter access code before making chargeable outbound call. If this is selected, all outbound calls require additional per minute charges (ie. long distance) will require to enter billing access code, however, this access code does not need to preset into the system (all code accepted).

    • Secure Access-Code Required: Required to enter access code before making chargeable outbound call. If this is selected, all outbound calls require additional per minute charges (ie. long distance) will require to enter secure access code. In additions, this access code must already predefined within the ''Outbound Call Access Code'' panel in order to allow to continue process. This is especially useful for some share office / hotel environment you may wish to limit / charge for per minute calls.

    • No external outbound calls: Do not allow external outbound calls (you may still make outbound call within your internal phone network). This is useful for some public area or general office.

    • Disable all outbound calls: Do not allow any type of outbound calls. This is useful for some public area or waiting area, where it should only allow inbound calls.

Extension Forwarding Section:

In this section, if numbers are provided with external phone number, these number must include country code prefix.

  • Always Forward all inbound calls: Forward all inbound calls to this number.

  • If extension is busy, forward inbound calls: Forward all inbound calls to this number if this user extension is busy.

  • If extension is unavailable, forward inbound calls: Forward all inbound calls to this number if this user extension is unavailable.

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Member's Comment:

William Wong
@Babysoft Corporation
Ticket Creator
Posted: Tue Dec01, 2015 12:00:00AM GMT(0)
Discussion: Number / Extension Settings
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