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Offisky Document: P.A. System Settings
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Document # 288
Category: Communication System Administration
Type: User Manual Document
Last Update: Tue Sep10, 2019 03:59:32PM GMT(0)

You may update your P.A. System settings here in this page.

Offisky P.A. System allows you to broadcast a message to multiple devices. The system will start by receiving your message, and forward your message individually to every devices in the destination call group. Unlike using real time multiple intercom where all device is connected and talk at the same time, this method will broadcast (playback) your message individually into each device after the call is picked up (either manually pickup or automatically pickup by your Phone speaker).

To use the P.A. System, create a P.A. System Rule, and create an internal extension number to map to it (similar to other features, such as, voicemail, IVR, fax, etc).

Panel Location:
User Menu >Under Settings, select (Phone System). In the top navigation menu bar, select Features > P.A. System > Select the P.A. System [] you wish to update > Settings (Tab)

Screen Operations:

  • Name: The name of this P.A. System (ie. all offices, Toronto staffs, etc).

  • Announcement Message: The pre-recorded message you wish to announce (in "Voice Greetings"), or select "Live record" if you wish to live record your broadcast message when use.

  • Target Group: The destination "Call Group" you wish your announcement to play to. Note: Only internal device will be accepted for P.A. System Broadcast.

  • Second Message: After the system finish broadcast your message to your target device, optionally announce another pre-recorded message.

  • No Confirm Prompt: Remove the confirmation prompt when live record the "Announcement Message".

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Member's Comment:

William Wong
@Babysoft Corporation
Ticket Creator
Posted: Fri Sep06, 2019 04:10:02PM GMT(0)
Discussion: P.A. System Settings
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