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Offisky Document: Create new ticket, comment, or discussion.
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Document # 102
Category: Panel Operation
Type: User Manual Document
Last Update: Wed Feb08, 2017 03:13:22PM GMT(0)

This screen allows you to create a new ticket, comments, or discussion topic.

If you like the Offisky Project, but looking for more comprehensive and private business support packages, please visit our website and look for our authorized partners from your local area.

To create a bug / misbehaviour report:

In order to allow our development team pin point your issue, you must provide the minimum of the following information within your report.

  • The basic description of what you are trying to do.

  • The step by step procedure of what you do to generate this error.

  • Can you be able to re-generate the same error when repeat the same procedure (is this error reproducible).

  • What is the expected result if the system is operate correctly.

  • What is the current error result.

Screen Operations:

  1. Title: The title of your ticket, comment, or discussion. The title should be very specific to summarize what you are trying to discuss. Too general title (like "I got a question") is not acceptable.

  2. Category: The closest related category related to your message. If you have choose an in-appropriate category, the system may place your message into an invalid support channel, and as the result, delay the response to your message. Therefore, it is very important to place your message within the correct category. When selecting your category, your message will automatically fall into one of the 2 types of accessibility modes:

    1. Public Viewing: Your message will be view and accessible publicly online (internet) and may be answer by both our support staff and the Offisky Community Members. This will also benefit to all other users who may experience similar difficulties in the future.

    2. Private Viewing: Your message can ONLY view and accessible by our support staff. This is normally related to more secure questions (ie. billing related, Questions about LOA, etc).

    The message accessibility mode is automatically selected when the time you create your ticket, comments or discussion topic. Please be aware if your question is under "Public Viewing" category, do not put sensitive information into the ticket where it may be accessible by all users online.

  3. Your Message: Your message. Please be precise, and keep your message as simple as possible.

  4. Attach Files: If you wish to attach file(s) along with your message, do it here.

  5. Once finish, click on "Submit" to submit your message.

Document Attached Files:
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Member's Comment:

William Wong
@Babysoft Corporation
Ticket Creator
Posted: Tue Dec01, 2015 12:00:00AM GMT(0)
Discussion: Create new ticket, comment, or discussion.
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