| | | Document # 204 Category: Business Administration Type: User Manual Document |
| Last Update: Thu Sep14, 2017 06:31:54PM GMT(0) | Description:You can update your department settings in this screen. Panel Location: User Menu >Under Settings, select (Operation). In the top navigation menu bar, select My Business > Department List > Select the department [ ] you wish to update Screen Operations:
- To remove a complete department, use [] icon.
- Department Name: The display name of the department.
- Address: Select the address where this department is located.
- Allow client create case: Do you want to allow user create Customer Case from their panel. In Customer Case System, if a user has paired the case into their panel, he/she can also create new case back to the same company. Use this field to control if you wish to allow user create case to this department. For more information about Offisky case system, please click here.
- To add a department staff, use [] icon located at the top of the staff list.
- To remove a department staff, use [] icon located at each of the staff row you wish to remove.
- To update a department staff:
- Staff: Select the user you wish to use as a staff in this department.
- Role: The role in this department.
- Performance Matrix: Enable / Disable Performance Matrix (gather data used within manager performance report, see Performance Matrix Documents for details).
Once finish, click on "Save" button to save your settings, or click on "OK" button to save and return to the previous screen. | | Document Attached Files: | | - No Files is attached to this document - |
| | | | Member's Comment: | William Wong @Babysoft Corporation Ticket Creator Posted: Tue Dec01, 2015 12:00:00AM GMT(0) | | | | Discussion: Department Settings |
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